The Rise of Homelessness Among The Youth


According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, about 30 percent of people experiencing homelessness are younger than the age 24. Youth experiencing homelessness are challenged by personal trauma or sexual orientation. The trauma received by homelessness, even short term, has a major effect on a youth’s future development. They have higher rates of emotional, behavioral, and longterm health problems. Youth experiencing homelessness are at risk for substance use and abuse, suicide, academic difficulties, and other negative outcomes. 

What are some risk factors associated with the rise of youth experiencing homelessness? 

Mental and substance use disorders, poverty, and the lack of educational employment opportunities are common for youth homelessness. Family conflict and being too old for foster care or juvenile justice systems play a significant role. One in ten young adults ages 18-25, and one in thirty adolescents ages 13-17, experience a form of homelessness unaccompanied by a parent or guardian. This makes the unaccompanied youth’s search in finding a place to live difficult to find. 

Youth who are part of the LGBTQ community, those who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, or queer disproportionately experience homelessness. This is due to being at a high risk for family rejection, physical assaults and sexual exploitation in shelters, trauma, and mental and substance use disorders. 

If you are interested in providing a safe environment for the LGBTQ youth, the general population of youth experiencing homelessness, or if you know an individual struggling with youth homelessness, follow the link provided to find immediate assistance or program referrals.
