Stigma and Social Isolation of the Homeless


    The homeless not only deal with the difficulties of not having a safe place they can call home, but they also deal with the many stigmas that can make their lives more miserable. From law legislation, healthcare, and social discrimination, to self-doubt, isolation, and increased vulnerability, these factors all contribute to an even more punishing situation for these individuals.

    The stigmas towards the homeless belittle them as a community which then also affects other factors that may potentially get them out of homelessness, like opportunities for jobs, and keeps those that were once willing to help from lending a helping hand. Passersby often ignore individuals or subject them to stares, reinforcing their "outsider" status either by making them invisible or making them visible only through negative attention. They are also more susceptible to violence, harassment, and being ridiculed at a time when they are already struggling to obtain basic human needs.

    At a desperate time in their lives, any time and energy you are willing to spare to help will greatly benefit the homeless. Although widespread public education campaigns are still needed to help reduce the negative attention they are receiving, there are still things you can do to lessen the burden that they are currently facing. Below are some things that you can do to help make sure that they can satisfy their basic needs, as well as help, restore their sense of sense at some of the local organizations in the Portland area. 

Things you can do:

-Make and hand out sack lunches/water

-Prepare hygiene/care kits

-Provide warm blankets and clothing

-Donate/help raise money

-Volunteer at organizations that help the homeless obtain their basic needs and regain their confidence

Local organizations:

-Operation Nightwatch Portland


-Blanchet House

Post by: Poya Lai
