Homeless People Need Food Too


According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, over 580,000 Americans experienced homelessness in 2020. Hunger follows homelessness because those who are forced to decide between paying for housing or food will choose the former. 

Homeless individuals are most often preoccupied with where they are going to sleep and if they will eat at all than what kind of food they’re going to eat. Due to this, many people who experience homelessness struggle with malnutrition. Inadequate nourishment results in physical, mental, and emotional health consequences. 

Food provides us with the nutrients we need in order to survive. However, those who experience homelessness lack the required daily nutrients. According to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, the food available to the homeless through shelter feeding programs are high in fat and low in fiber. When homeless individuals obtain food, the nutritional quality are mostly cheap meals that are highly processed. 

The issue of hunger and homelessness in American won’t go away without your help. If you are interested in making a difference, follow the link provided to donate now. 

