Winter effects the Homeless

Winter is rolling into Oregon, along with the holidays, and it can get below freezing this time of year.

Those who can afford to turn up their heat, will do so. They will put on their thick coats, gloves, and hats before heading on their way to the store to buy gifts, stocking stuffers, and food to help celebrate the holidays. 

But there are those in our community who will not be able to hop into a vehicle and head to the store for necessities. They’ll be stressing over where their next meal will come from, what it will look like, and how much it will cost them. 

The homeless scattered around Portland, huddled within their thin layered tents, will be worried about where to find warmer clothes, how to get to food shelters, and they will be appreciative for the food they find, within those food kitchens, this holiday season. The people who are homeless need the essentials just like everyone else, but they have a harder time acquiring them. What do they need most during the cold months? They will need warm clothes, socks and undergarments are at the top of the list, but they will also need nutritional food items. 

It has been shown that nutritional food items, like fruits and vegetables, can reduce stress. A healthy, less stressed mind can lead to a healthy body. 

This holiday season while you’re out buying warm clothes and healthy food items, buy one extra and donate it to a shelter or someone in need. A small gesture can save a life and inspire others to do the same. Happy Holidays. Be safe and stay warm.

Ideas on where to Donate this Winter

What the Homeless really need

Facts on Healthy Nutrition
