Last Remaining Sense of "Home" From Pet Companions

Helping Pets of the Homeless During the Holidays - Pets of the Homeless

    One of the most prominent stressors of the homeless community include their pets and being able to have access to resources that can accommodate both humans and animals. Pets provide a sense of safety and security which is important for the mental health of many of those struggling with homelessness. These pets are like family who offer emotional and physical support during a dire time in their lives. Homeless people with pets have even been shown to have lower levels of depression and loneliness compared to those without, and pets are often described as “family” in interviews. Unfortunately, many homeless shelters do not allow pets, nor do they provide food and other necessities for the pets. 

    As a result of the lack of adequate pet food supply, these animals often share scarce food resources with their owners. Most of the time, the food being served is unhealthy to animals. Among the homeless youth, family pets are their last remaining sense of home. Pets are so important to these individuals that they may even opt to sacrifice food and shelter for their pets. In addition, because pets are often forced to be left alone outside during extreme heat or cold climates, owners will decline the resources that have been provided for them to stay with their pets. 

    It is important that pet-friendly shelters are available for those who need them. The availability of pet-friendly shelters is slowly increasing with some corporations and nonprofits helping with the cause. Pet-friendly resources have now been expanded to more than just dogs with some even offering to provide shelter and necessities for snakes. Having these resources available helps to alleviate some of the stressors that the homeless may face while attempting to stay together with their four-legged family members.

    The Portland Animal Welfare Team (PAW) is an available resource in the Portland area, providing veterinary care for those who need financial support for their beloved animals. Follow the link below to donate to this vital organization so they can continue keeping pets, and their humans, happy and healthy.

Resources to help find pet-friendly shelters:

Donate here:

Post by: Poya Lai
