I Voted!.. Is that it?

In times like these, it is important to know what you can do to make your voice heard. Voting was the first step, but now what do you do after your votes have been submitted? Well, we want to keep our representatives accountable on the promises made and protect the world we want to shape moving forward. Here are a few things you can do:

  • Stay up to date on issues

    • What issues are you passionate about? How have policies been reinforced? Have they stayed relatively the same? What topics impact the country or your state?

  • Fact check your resources

    • “look at the URL, read the quotes and look up their sources, and see if you can find other outlets writing about the topic.”

  • Make your voice heard!

    • In an age of Social Media there are multiple outlets in the medium . Whether you have a following of thousands or fifteen, starting a conversation is a great step. During this pandemic it is not recommended to have gatherings. Alternatively, organized Zoom meetings and Discord chat rooms are great for “face to face” discussions.

  • Keep voting

    • Voting regularly to keep your representatives accountable.



