Oregon's Experience with a Mail in Vote

In light of our current public health crisis, questions arise as to how people will be able to safely contribute to our upcoming election nationwide. Questions such as voter turnout and general social distancing practice when it comes to in person polls are raising and even bigger question; why aren’t we doing this remotely? As businesses and workplaces adapt to COVID-19, our voting system continues to push people out of their homes and to the polls. 
Vote by mail, whether it be fully by mail or a hybrid of mail in and polls, has been available to many states as an option because it is nvenient, proves a high level of turnout and has proven to be very safe when it comes to fraud, and now from a public health lens, keeps people at home.  However, people still argue that it is part of the civic experience and a big tradition of voting to visit the polls.  Many people worry that coercion and fraud come into play when families can all look at each other’s ballots and discuss a vote from home. It is important to highlight the states that have done so well with a full mail in system, such as Oregon! Oregon has been mailing in votes since the 1980’s and has been successful ever since.  Oregon governor, Kate Brown, had this to say about Oregon’s vote by mail system, 

“It’s very secure, its very cost-effective, and it’s extremely accessible to our voters. It’s one of the reasons we have one of the highest voter turnouts in the entire country. Because folks like to vote from their kitchen tables. It’s very, very accessible,” said Brown.” (OregonLive) 

While there are definitely flaws such as the speed of counting votes, overall; it has been an incredibly safe and viable practice and currently, 5 states are fully mail in votes. The system negates a huge demographic by not offering the capacity to vote from home.  There are options to vote fully by mail, predominately by mail and even the option to do either. In times such as these with a global pandemic, the consideration of restructuring these systems is vital to flattening the curve and keeping at risk populations at home while not sacrificing their voice in our elections. 

            "There has been a concerted effort to suppress voting in this country. And it is one of the most venal, un-American things I’ve ever seen in my time in politics." Not only do we have to stop the voter suppression, we have to increase voter participation in general and I really hope that Washington and Oregon’s experience will be enjoyed by all Americans as soon as possible.”
(Gov. Jay Inslee, OregonLive) 



