Why Voting Locally Matters To You

Local legal changes are frequently as unexpected as they are swift. Two months ago, I walked into my neighborhood Safeway with a twenty dollar bill in my pocket, expecting to simply buy a roasted chicken, along with some cereal and apples, only to be met with a new reality - I would have to carry everything in my hands, instead of in two bags. Sure, there were "warning signs" of the upcoming shift in Oregon's policy towards paper bags, yet I could not have payed less attention to them, since I lead a busy life that does not include heeding warning signs. So I ended up walking a mile or so with everything I had bought loosely hanging in my hands. Plastic bags? Don't even think about it, implies Kate Brown, my governor. Go out of your way to buy and maintain your personal cloth bags or suffer the consequences!

About two years ago, Kate Brown struck yet once more. I have been smoking occasionally ever since I turned eighteen, yet when I walked into my favorite convenience shop I ran into quite the issue. Apparently, I was not old enough to make my own decisions in terms of my health as of January 1st, yet I was quite old enough to  be held responsible for my own taxes, and to be an adult within the eyes of all public authorities. Suddenly, my cognitive development, along with that of millions of others within Oregon, was judged as inadequate by a loud minority sect of voters within my state; for they proclaimed that all 18-21 aged adults lack any sense of self-control and restraint. My opinion, my lifestyle, and my choices be damned. In response, I drove to Washington in protest, and purchased my goods there for nearly a year; for my freedom to live life the way I deem fit and pleasant will not be constrained by surprising laws that I have had no say in. Of course, since then this has become a federal mandate, yet I, along with many others in Oregon, have had to deal with this event two entire years ahead of the rest of the U.S.
Local laws prove to be as fickle as the local weatherman's predictions; one day you will be going through your routine, focused upon events that carry much more weight within your eyes, such as your classes or work schedule, then be hit with some new ridiculous nonsense that you did not see coming. Local elections, along with upcoming, close-to-home legislative decisions should be in the background of our minds, regardless of how busy we otherwise are. As soon as you hear of a potential state law being voted upon that may directly hurt your lifestyle, defend your way of life by representing your opinions on the matter. Otherwise, you will suffer the indiscriminate wrath of the desires of others; to them your routine and comfort means little, if anything at all. 

More information on recent bag bans/costs, along with the plastic straw fiasco:

More information on Oregon's accelerated tobacco ban:


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