Make voting easier

Making Voting Easier:

This time of year is a perfect example of what is wrong with the voting in the US. With the coronavirus going on during an election year, there should be ways that make it easier for Americans to vote. I like to think of states like Oregon to be one step ahead of the voting game. Citizens can mail in their votes without having to go to a voting center to choose who they want their next president to be. As if having a family and other responsibilities wasn't already enough for Americans, having scheduled times to vote in locations that can potentially be far away for some people, makes it very difficult. Some ways to make to make the voting process easier include:

  1. Mailing votes in:
This would allow for those with busy schedules, to stop by any post office or mailbox and send their vote via mail. Mailboxes are available after hours so this would help those who have little to no time to stop by and drop off their vote.

  1. Make voting more appealing to younger ages:
Getting any type of message out on social media can be very helpful and reach out to a larger audience. Voting, although everybody should see it as important, seems to be more important to older ages. Using social media and having ads that catches everyone's eye can help benefit the amount of younger and older audiences. This will add more votes to the elections.
  1. Weekends:
Most times to vote are very inconvenient to everybody involved. Usually during the week and times where people would be working. Instead of having citizens giving up their lunch break to vote, the weekends should be accessible. Having weekends be days people can vote, allows most people that extra day or two to set aside time to vote. 
