Millennial's of Color...

You see this face here, this is the face I make constantly as I watch all of us post blogs on this site telling all the millennial's to go out there and vote, as if they will actually listen to us, but MAYBE they will. As this term has progressed, I have taken it upon myself to gain knowledge on the course of politics and elections as a whole throughout history. The truth I have come to find is that whether we as millennial's choose to vote or not, a president will be elected and laws will be passed.
Living in the United States is a different experience for everyone. Me, being a person color, can say for a fact that my experience differs from everybody who is not a person of color. There has not been one president elect that has passed any laws protecting people of African decent. We have had 45 presidents and not one has passed a law to protect ME and MY PEOPLE. But here I am in this class, supposed to smile and tell everyone to go vote, I care enough about my pride and self respect to not put up a facade any longer.
I will tell it like it is, this is a country that thrives off the construct of race and racism. There are issues so deep rooted within black communities, that the human psychology of black people have been effected for generations, and still is. From the beginning of time in schooling we are taught that historically black people are inferior to everyone else, and this is hammered for years throughout the schooling system! Do any of you understand what that does to a human being? Being taught that your people are worthless, yet this country was built on our ancestors backs!
I don't type this post here with rage, only educational and personal fact. I am not mad, I am enlightened, I am awake. What I refuse to do is conform for a country that doesn't care about me. What I refuse to do is support anything that doesn't benefit ME and MY PEOPLE. One who cannot relate to me in the least will say this is an act of ignorance, but the reality is that you have nothing to stand for, nor can you truly understand where I am coming from without lived experience in which if you aren't born a certain way, you will never obtain.
So to all my millennial's of color out there, please vote if you will, but do not for one second let someone who can never endure of fraction of your life tell you to do something that you will never benefit from. This is a systematic issue that needs to be resolved, and our votes feed into the system, there has been years and years of ballots and candidates yet, no one to take a stand for the longest oppressed group in this country, but you want my vote. I think not.
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