Community Gardens- Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for All

The Portland metropolitan area has an abundance of food pantries full of canned foods, rice, and bread, most of them available to anyone who walks in, no questions asked. But very few carry produce and when they do, the quantities are limited and are on the verge of rotting. That means people who lower-income communities are consuming very little to no fresh fruits and vegetables, which is a major issue since the Federal Occupational Health's website suggests that 50% of our meals should consist of fruits and vegetables.

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In 1975 the city of Portland became aware of this food disparity and started the Community Gardens program, which as of today has grown to 56 community gardens located throughout Portland. The price for plots ranges from $20-$200 a year, depending on the plot size, making it affordable for anyone to grow their own produce all year round. According to, on average gardeners ate produce from their plots four times per week, harvest around $500 per year worth of organic produce from their plots and met other people in their neighborhoods through gardening. Making community gardens not only an inexpensive way to eat fresh produce, but also a fun way to bring communities together.

To get more information and to request your own garden plot, visit the city of Portland's website by clicking here.
