Police Accountability

Throughout modern history there has been a longstanding issue with police accountability. Our system 
of checks and balances seems to be off kilter. There is a rising tide of police violence and a lack of 
investigation and prosecution of individuals who commit crimes while wielding a badge.  Whether it is 
the fault of police training, lack of interest by the prosecutors, a willingness to be dismissive by the 
court, or all of these factors and more; there is little being done by the justice system as a whole to 
prevent these actions and to convict actions that have already been committed.

We need average citizens to become aware of this issue and to reach out to their representatives and
 tell them how you feel. Also vote and show support for bills that will hold the police accountable. There
 are also bills going through Congress that are fighting corruption which will make it harder for lobbying
 groups to thwart the will of the people in legislation. It is common that Congress only passes thirty 
percent of bills with one hundred percent support due to big money influencing them. There are 
powerful lobbyists who are against passing legislation to stop any bills that would increase police 

Another way to help this situation would be to promote a higher standard of police training. The police 
are woefully unprepared to deal with people with mental disabilities and have other issues. The police 
also need better sensitivity training and a better understanding of equal and fair treatment to people of 

It is going to take all of us to deal with the problem of police accountability and every community needs
 to come together to make an impact on this widespread crisis.

Here are some links for information regarding police accountability and how you can help to stop this 
