Decision Making: Reducing the Carbon Footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint can seem intimidating or like it doesn’t matter. But the truth of the matter is, changing the planet starts with you, and it’s much easier than you may think. Whether you’re at home, commuting, shopping, or at work, steps can be made everyday to reduce the harm that is being done to our home.
Instead of driving to work, take a bus or ride your bike. Instead of buying meat produced by industrial agriculture, buy local produce. OR better yet: Grow your own! At home, you can make an effort to turn off electronics that aren’t being used or simply start recycling. This can also be true when it comes to the socioeconomic concerns of reducing your carbon footprint. Instead of buying areosole sprays or another type of modern technologies that have been sown to leave a carbon footprint, stop buying them and the companies will eventually be put out of business.
We can all make daily efforts to change the planet that cost nothing and generally will not change your daily routine. It all starts with a simple change in mind about your self and the impact you would like to leave on the world after you are gone.

