Hygiene and Sanitation in Nicaragua

Hygiene and Sanitation in Nicaragua

In 2014 Green Empowerment worked with a rural development worker names Benjamin Linder to install gravity-fed portable water systems to serve the 100 households in Nicaragua.

The goal of the project it to improve water sanitation, reduce disease such as cholera, and reduce open defecation.

This project began in May 2017 and was originally supposed to serve 100 houses. Upon request of a neighboring city the project could add an additional 52 latrines without increasing the price of the project and was able to include the city of El Casino. 100% of the populations of both the original Pueblo Amado and El Casino now have access to improved sanitation, strengthening these rural villages and the region.

Along with the instillation of the latrines Green Empowerment also provides training on the topics of how to improve sanitation, hygiene and health. They aren’t just providing access to latrines, they are educating the communities how to preform latrine maintenance, the routes of contamination, and the art of hand washing.

The beneficiaries of the project expressed their satisfaction with the support from the organizations involved, as well as pointing out the following changes that they’d observed because of the project:

• Decrease in the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea and parasites.

• Increased security and privacy by having a properly protected latrine (with walls), giving them confidence to know that they and their children are not being watched by others.

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