Population Explosions and Their Effect on Water Supply

As a country already plagued with poor access to proper sanitation and sewage, Kenya is currently grappling with how to catch up to the demands of their exploding population. Currently, 37% of Kenyans¹ still rely upon naturally occurring water sources (ponds, rivers, etc) for their daily needs. With a population that is expected by the United Nations to grow at a million per year, water accessibility solutions will need to pace in a manner similar to the long-distance running that the country is known for.

Blocking the road to progress are the struggling public water service providers where according to water.org¹, "only 9 out of 55 public water service providers provide continuous water supply". Not only does the lack of plumbing infrastructure making change slow, but the existing pollutants in urban water sources make starting fresh difficult.

According to Dr. Daniel Ichang'I of the University of Nairobi, "The main sources of river water pollution are industrial discharge, sewage, seepage from waste sites and illegal solid and liquid wastes disposal."².

With 10,000 people controlling approximately 62% of the wealth in Kenya, those with economic power are far removed from the conditions that their factories and industrial connections affect³.

 A large campaign to overhaul Kenya's sewage and sanitation infrastructure is desperately needed to prepare for the exponential growth coming in the next 25 years. In the meantime, contributions from relief organizations such as water.org are imperative to the survival of affected citizens, especially children.


