Can you use your waste??

One theme that has become apparent throughout this project is that rural areas rarely get the resources they need to be environmentally friendly. That being said they need clean water so that is absolutely a good place to start.
One option for creating a steady source of clean water, while not harming is waste to water solutions. This may sound slightly repulsive to some, as the slogan toilet to tap was used to create fear in the United States, but Singapore, Australia and Namibia, and states such as California, Virginia and New Mexico are already drinking recycled water. 
This really isn't that scary as the water that is used in such “toilet to tap” operations often times has been purified to the point where it may well be cleaner than your normal tap water. The treatment process is long and complicated but it is one that makes a lot of sense for rural communities seeing as many developing countries, particularly in rural areas don't have the best sanitation systems. Insert one of these such systems and all of a sudden the sanitation problem has been solved along with the clean water problem.

Another use for waste water that you see occasionally is for wash water. This is extremely interesting as water is filtered to a safe level then used to wash cars or whatever else water maybe used for in an out of doors setting.
So start using your waste for good rather than, well wasting it!
