The Industrialized Food System and Its Ecological Impact!

The Industrialized Food System and Its Ecological Impact!

The way we eat as a nation continually has an impact on our environment as a whole. Not only does what we eat have an impact, but also what we package that food in and how we come to process it later in order for the masses to consume it. Many novels and documentaries have been created around this very topic. Clearly it is an important point to consider when looking at all of the resources that we are using to simply feed ourselves.

There are many ways in which we can rectify this increasing problem one of which is to consume produce and other food products that are grown locally. A great resource to understand more about food systems is:

Some incredible reads on the subject include:

-The Omnivores Dilemma- Michael Pollen
-In Defense of Food- Michael Pollen
-Fast Food Nation- Eric Schlosser
