Portland State University Reduces Methane and Improves Sustainability

Methane is produced in many ways but some of the main culprits are through agriculture, water waste, natural gas, and landfill waste. Portland State University strives to be a green campus and act on the sustainability that they encourage from their students.

PSU has instituted “Meatless Mondays” in the dining halls and encourage students to reduce the amount of meat that they consume which will in turn reduce greenhouse gasses such as methane that is produced by livestock. They also encourage composting which helps to reduce food waste in landfills which also reduces the amount of methane and other greenhouse gasses produced and also creates natural fertilizer for future food growth. PSU has food compost bins all over campus and asks that students and staff make suggestions if they feel their should be one located in specific departments.

PSU also has reduced the waste in water by using refillable water stations and encouraging reusable water bottles. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality found that drinking water from the tap in a reusable container creates 85% less energy consumption and 79% less greenhouse gas emissions than using bottled water. PSU has also reduced methane emissions by using geothermal heat pumps instead of natural gas to heat 15 buildings on campus.

PSU offers several ways to be apart of this great project and get educated. Check out their Green Campus Tour Map or go to http://www.pdx.edu/sustainability/ to see how you can get involved.

