Buying Local Part II

For part II of my blog on buying local, I am focusing more on the monetary aspect.  While I think most people would agree that the feeling you get from belonging to a well-balanced community is great, the monetary benefits or the bottom line is what more people are going to be concerned with.  When I started out buying as much as I could locally, I was under the misconception that it would be costly.  Moreover, while I admit it took a bit more looking around and time to find local items, like meat, once I did the cost was really no different, and it tastes far better.  In addition, buying local has great environmental benefits.
1.      When businesses are locally owned they have a tendency to also buy items that are local.  This will continue to put more monies back into everyone in the community’s pockets.  It is a win-win situation for everyone.
2.      Also, when buying local there will be less transportation which causes less pollution and travel time.  It likewise will cut down on congestion and keep mega-stores from demolishing land to put in giant parking lots in the suburbs.  That land could be better used for local farming.
3.       Another huge benefit is job creation.  Local farmers can be very large employers for local communities.  More jobs within the community keep people and their monies locally vested.  Everyone can benefit from this.  It is a prime example of quid pro quo.  
4.      A huge selling point is taxes!  Everyone is required to pay them, and since this unavoidable (for the most part), who would not want their taxes to stay local in their communities?  

With a little bit of work and planning, it is possible to keep big name corporations at bay while enjoying the benefits of local community.  
