Protein Deficiency in the Elderly: Facts to Keep all Generations Healthy
The elderly population is one that often gets forgotten when
people talk about healthy eating and the importance of protein. Those belonging
to a younger generation may not see the need to stay educated about the needs
of our aging population. It becomes a little easier when, instead of looking at
elderly people as a whole, we begin to put a face to them. We are talking about
your Grandmother and Grandfather, favorite uncle or aunt, aging family friends
and all those that play such an important role in our lives.
So, what do we all need to know?
Loss of appetite- Illness, chronic medical
conditions, and depression can all be reasons that it seems older folks don’t
eat very much. Why does this matter? Smaller amounts of food being taken in can
be a cause of protein deficiency. If the amounts of calories that are taken in
are smaller, a greater amount will need to be from protein rich resources.
Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) - this is a condition
that is marked by an inadequate amount of protein and calories in a person’s
diet, leaving the body without the minimal required nutrition to function. This
condition is often seen in the elderly that live in assisted living or nursing
homes, but can also be seen in children that are not getting good nutrition at
home; up to 48% of hospital patients have this issue.
When we age our muscle mass naturally declines
and our total body fat goes up. Keeping a nutritionally balanced diet becomes
more of a challenge when older people begin to lose their sense of taste and
smell and some foods can seem less appetizing. Also, keep in mind that many
protein rich foods can be hard to eat with tooth loss.
We all need protein. Protein provides the building blocks
that muscles use, helps immune and brain function, and provide the energy we
need to move about in our daily lives. As we age a balanced diet, with plenty
of protein, will help to keep our brains and bodies limber; reminding those in
our lives that are of advanced age of the importance of protein is essential.
“Nutrition and Aging”- Colorado State University
“Protein Deficiency in the Elderly”-
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