CAFE Standards (Safety Matters)

At the present, we are seeking to squeak as many miles out of our automobiles as possible. The price of oil has reached incredible levels. While the corporate average fuel economy raised standards beginning in the year of 1978. Seeking to build a more economical vehicle, the autos were to meet transportation averages of 27.5 mpg. A light-truck was to meet averages of 20.7 mpg. These averages were to be met by the year of 1985. The current averages of vehicles hovered around 16 to 13 mpg. Although the consumption of oil had decreased between the years of 1978 and 1985, it was inconclusive whether it was due to reduced gas prices or CAFE standards.

Fuel efficiency wasn't enough, when the consequence of these new light-weight trucks and small passenger car policies had resulted in a large increase of traffic fatalities that were attributed to the size and weight of the new vehicles. Due to the unfortunate disregard for human welfare, Congress seized the expenditure of Department of Transportation funds to make further revisions to the CAFE standards.

There are organization such as Resources for the Future who support the higher gas prices instead of increasing CAFE standards. In hopes to motivate new car buyers to demand higher fuel efficient autos, in which automakers would be reluctant to meet those demands. This in turn would force people to drive less, take better care of their vehicles, carpool, or use public transportation. What we didn't know about CAFE standards, and how they were meant to provide a more free flowing fuel efficient world; yet not much was put into the safety of these vehicles at first glance.

A possible site to view is at (, accessed April 28, 2005.

Steven Campbell

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