COVID 19 Effects on Unemployment and Voting 2020

Much of the country is slowly reopening and entering different phases with spikes of COVID 19. As of February 2020 the state of Oregon reports 243,500 jobs that were loss. In May 2020 the Oregon unemployment rate jumped to 14.2 %. Many workers are still out of work and others are earning an additional $600 now than when they were working. That’s because the federal government is paying an extra $600 a week with unemployment insurance in the hopes of keeping the economy afloat. Those benefits are said to end in July. Kapur with NBC news states that the extra $600 might be an incentive to keep workers at home. 

Now lawmakers are suggesting an emergency relief of $500 to the 70,000 Oregonians who have applied for unemployment and PUA and have yet to receive their benefits. Thousands of claims are being denied and are still yet to be processed due to numerous errors such as wrong name, missing birthdays and social securities. Answering incorrectly can lead your case unresolved for weeks at a time. 

People are in need of help now. These unresolved cases are causing an average wait time of 42 minutes on the phone to speak to an unemployment representative, only to be disconnected. Callers suggested repeat dialing until you are able to speak to someone. Claimants state that they are unable to get through to unemployment despite their numerous attempts. Other claimants suggest reaching out to legislators. Emailing your local state senator and state representatives for assistance may get your claim resolved sooner. Oregonians are urged to access resources by emailing your statesman your situation so they may further assist in any way possible. Legislators now have a more reliable resource to help claimants troubleshoot problems with claims. There will be a link below to locate your local statesman in Oregon. 

Carrying out democracy during a pandemic is a challenge that we are facing in 2020. There is a concern to keep people safe while voting in the upcoming presidential election. The option of mailing in ballots will become a logical way to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Many people will be able to mail in votes by November. Voter registration is down due to the pandemic because there aren't as many social events like door-to-door campaigns, rallies, and motor vehicle offices. President Trump and other allies have stated concerns about voter fraud, although there is no evidence and measures that protect against fraudulent ballots. There are protections in place to prevent fraudulent ballots such as election offices, match voter signatures to signatures on record, and barcode mail in ballots to insure tracking and delivery of voter ballots.

During this pandemic it’s important to have access to resources and information. There is more information about how to reach your state senator and state representative by email or phone call follow up with the link:




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