Student Voters and Campus Closures

Will Campus Closures Affect What Is Already Considered a Low Turnout Amongst Young/Student Voters?

With college campuses closing amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, the likeliness of a lower student turnout in upcoming elections may very well rise. According to a study conducted by the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education, student voters were actually on the rise between 2012 through 2016. However, with campuses shutting down across the country, and moving towards strictly online endeavors, it is more important now than ever  to encourage students to vote, as well as ensure the spread of information on how to vote amidst this outbreak. 

College campuses offer resources regarding voter registration, the importance of voting, and generally student political groups that exist to keep like-minded voters informed on the political happenings in our country. The switch to online, remote classes has been sudden, and colleges are still working towards ensuring educations can continue as best as possible. It is important to encourage turnout amongst our student peers, even if there is minimal face to face contact. 

