A Troubling Texas Bill Put's LGBTQ+ People's Healthcare at Risk

In such a progressive first-world country such as ours, it comes as a shock how far we still have to go; especially when it comes to healthcare. There are several flaws with our current healthcare system, but the one that hits closest to home for me is the discrimination LGBTQ+ people can face while seeking any kind of medical attention. This isn’t just a matter of conjecture as recent events in Texas has proved the lengths some people are willing to go to discriminate.

Recently in Texas, Lubbock Republican Charles Prerry’s Senate Bill 17 passed with a 19-12 initial vote. This bill will allow occupational license holders to cite “sincerely held religious beliefs” when their licenses are at risk due to professional behavior or speech. It needs one more vote in the Senate before it can be sent to the House. (The Texas Tribune) There has been a lot of heated back and forth around this bill, even businesses like Amazon and Google have come out against the bill. According to the CAP (Center for American Progress), discrimination in health care settings endangers LGBTQ+ people’s lives through delays or denials of medically necessary care. Morally, this is wrong and goes against what the healthcare field should be about; striving to help people recover and keeping them healthy. This community needs support in the face of events like these. Even if you don't live in Texas you can support them by being more active with your government and contacting your representatives when these sorts of laws are proposed. Find your representative here
