Learn to Cook for Your Health, Mind, and Wallet

It's so simple to order food with all of the availability trough apps and delivery services that it seems like an easy choice to just pick a restaurant and eat. Even before these apps you have regular food deliveries as well as fast food that was a simple option for many people and family's. Not only that, but have you seen the frozen food isles recent? There are so many options now it's jarring. Many of these methods of getting a meal are relatively cheap and convenient but it would seem many are overlooking the benefits for learning to cook for yourself.

Cooking for yourself can save you money, build relationships, provide healthier nutrition, and even reduce stress and depression. Don't get me wrong, there is no reason to throw away your favorite restaurant for your Uber Eats. Restaurants are a fantastic way to discover different cultures foods and other styles in which a meal is prepared, but being able to replicate a dish you enjoy can save you almost five times your money according to Forbes. That is always a great benefit to anyone trying to save a buck for rent or student loans. There are mental health benefits to cooking as well as learning to cook is now being prescribed to patients to help with anxiety and depression to help with healthier eating skills and taking control of your actions in boosting your confidence inside and outside the kitchen. Your ability to use healthier ingredients and control for factors such as salt and fats also give your body a boost in the right direction as there has been much more evidence coming out about the minds connection to gut flora. Not only that but cooking with friends or a loved one is a great way to bond as you help each other to make a meal, which sometimes can become problematic as the old saying goes “too many cooks in the kitchen”. There are many benefits to learning that cook which I have seen as missed opportunities among my friends who take the breakfast cereal route and can't even toss together eggs and toast.

With more and more options for food become available I worrier what might happen to the younger generations. I first noticed this when I visited my aunt, who has zero and I mean ZERO cooking skills. Everything she eats it take out or delivered and when we cooked together she said “I would have saved so much money in school if I just cooked for myself!”. It's worth it for everyone to try to pick up a spatula and give it a whirl in the kitchen, who knows you might even have a real knack for it!

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