Beggars can't be Choosers, but they don't want your McDouble

Maddie Hunt
August 14, 2018
When it comes to helping the homeless, most of us feel great pride when we hand over a couple bucks or an pick up an extra cheeseburger for the homeless person at the street corner.  It's not wrong to feel good about helping someone who is struggling, but do we ever stop to think about what they might actually need?  If you really think about it, there is no way that a person without access to a fridge can store and make use of all of the fresh food they are given.

There are many items like socks and underwear that the homeless cherish and would be so grateful for.  They are seen as luxuries because when choosing between your next meal and a new pair of underwear, you're probably going to choose the thing that actually sustains your life.  If you want to really feel good about yourself, consider the needs of the homeless before you hand over something that will go to waste.

After researching the needs of the homeless,  I found that the most needed items among homeless populations were things that most of us have around the house in abundance.  Baby wipes, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, feminine hygiene products, socks, garbage bags, underwear.... Essentially, anything you would definitely want if you went camping in the woods without any electricity or running water.
It might be time to up your giving-game.  Go through your camping gear and set aside the things you don't need.  Instead of giving it to the local Goodwill, keep it in your car and pass it on to someone who looks like they could use it.
