Easy steps individuals can take to reduce their personal contributions to water pollution.

Water pollution may appear to be a daunting, generational problem but there small things that everyone can do and take part in to helped make some impact. Water pollution a problem that needs to be tackled and dealt with a both a macro and micro level.

Some micro level solutions are...

1) Go steel!! Every year billions of plastic water bottles are littered and find their way into oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. Using stainless steel water bottles takes millions of plastic water bottles out of water ways and reduces your exposure to the harmful BPA. Even more incentive is the money to saved by switching to stainless steel, the average American household spends up to $300 a year on bottled water!!

2) Use domestic products that made with environmentally friendly chemicals and components. Cleaning, hygiene and other domestic products are huge sources of  pollution and millions of tons of these products wind up in our water ways each year. By switching to products that are composed of water friendly components you can take out several gallons worth of pollutants of the waters.

3) Drive less!! Our motor vehicles are an abundant source of water pollutants, whether through the chemicals released through the exhaust systems or through leakage of oil and other lubricants and liquid chemicals. These chemicals are rarely filtered by our water reclamation systems as most are washed away down storm drains which lead directly to our bodies of water. Plus driving less affords opportunities to save money and exercise!!!


Written by: Ted Esparza
