Urban Agriculture can make us all healthier!

According to BBC reporter, Mark Kinver, Urban Agriculture is becoming more relevant in today’s society, as “UN data shows that more than 50% of the world's population now lives in urban areas, which could explain the changing landscape of global agriculture.” And, as the landscape changes in urban areas, the farmers and local community become healthier as a result. Whole foods that come from local areas, or even your own backyard, are healthier because they are eaten when they are freshest. 

Portland Community Garden, sourced from MuseumOfTheCity.org
Anne C. Bellows, PhD, discusses the importance of Urban Agriculture in her study, stating that according to multiple studies “fruit and vegetable intake, as measured in terms of recommended servings per day, is higher among gardeners than among non-gardeners in the same study, or among gardeners versus the average U.S. consumer.” It is safe to assume that if there is an increase of Urban Agriculture, we are more likely to become healthier as a result. 

Portland Farmer's Market, sourced from MuseumOfTheCity.org
If you yourself are not able to garden yourself, due to lack of knowledge or time-constraints, you can take advantage of local co-ops, farmer’s markets, and public neighborhood gardens! In Portland, the People’s Food Co-op hosts multiple events that aim to educate the community about the nutrients that are in our food, give farm tours, and even teach you how to pickle your own vegetables! The People’s Food Co-op is passionate about working with the community to achieve sustainability. 

To find out more about the People’s Co-op, click here!

Mark Kinver, BBC
Anne C. Bellows, PhD.
