Playgrounds with a little DIRT

Playgrounds have changed much over the years. What started out as simple playgrounds with swings, slides, and other basic playground equipment has changed to playgrounds that have a wide variety equipment like monkey bars, tire swings, and a myriad of other unexplainable playground equipment. These playgrounds, as good as they have become, don’t usually have all the benefits they could have. 

Playground naturalization that uses natural features can really benefit the families and community that use them. Think about it, instead of just having a flat playground that has metallic structures that kids climb on, instead have trees, hills, rivers, and other features that could improve a family and a community lifestyle, wouldn’t you want to be a part of it? These types of playgrounds can help kids, families and communities enjoy the play structures and the naturalized park around them. The Play Ground Professionals explain more about this as well as showing how beneficial naturalized playgrounds are to not only the environment but the children that play in the playground’s borders.  They also have a whole load of information about other types of equipment and ways you can get involved.

Check it out!
