Recycling made easy...For kids!

One of the largest groups of our population are children. While some may underestimate their resourcefulness, they have the ability to make a change for our environment's future.

Kids, you have a chance to make a difference by recycling plastics responsibly!

What is recycling? Recycling means taking old discarded materials and finding a way to make new products with them.

Where can I recycle? You can look online to find your nearest recycling center or contact your local city for recycling options. You can also find ways to recycle on your own, by reusing plastics in your home for crafts, storage, etc.

Some of the sites you can use for recycling ideas are: 

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Everyone's actions make a difference. Start recycling plastics today! 
Here are a couple things YOU can do to get started:

1. If your city does not have a recycling program, write a letter to your local city leaders asking them to add a recycling program.
2. Talk to your neighbors about collecting old plastic containers and other materials that they may be regularly just throwing away. 

With spring and summer upon us, here are a couple ways to reuse plastics you have around the house.

 You can create planters for various plants: 

 Or create a bird feeder:
 You can also repurpose old plastics into new toys!

It is important to have a way to safely recycle old plastics and other materials. Talk to an adult for more ideas and work together to keep our environment free of excess plastic waste!
