Detoxing Your Washing Machine

Over the past few weeks, we here at the EcoMerge blog have presented a wealth of information regarding the toxic chemicals and dyes used by clothing manufacturers, and offered a number of solutions you can use to avoid them. One of the first and best places to start removing toxins from your life, of course, is right at home. Allergic reactions to laundry soaps and detergents are fairly common, though many people might not not associate the symptoms with their cause for some time. Check out the WebMd article that addresses chemical allergies. Even if you haven't had an issue, continuous contact with some chemicals can lead to increased sensitivity over time.

But before you start using a greener detergent, or making your own from scratch, you might want to begin with a detox of your washing machine. The One Green Planet website has an easy, 4-step process on how to do it, as well as somegreat recipes for making your own detergent at home. If you'd still prefer to buy your detergent at the store (and support some companies that are doing their part to put non- or low-toxic alternatives on the shelves), the Mother Nature Network has identified the 7 least toxic detergents on the market. 

They are:
    1. Seventh Generation Natural Powder Laundry Detergent, Real Citrus & Wild Lavender
    2. Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Hemp Pure-Castile Soap, Peppermint
    3. Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 Hemp Pure-Castile Soap Baby Mild
    4. Seventh Generation Natural Powder Laundry Detergent, White Flower & Bergamot Citrus
    5. Martha Stewart Clean Laundry Detergent
    6. Green Shield Organic Laundry Detergent, Free & Clear
    7. Seventh Generation Natural Laundry Detergent Powder, Free & Clear
Also, be sure and check out our EcoMerge:Solutions For Toxins in Textiles website for a lot more information!
