A simple way to help in the battle against toxins.

In continuing my research on toxins in clothing, I came upon a Greenpeace video on YouTube entitled, Detox: How People Power is Cleaning Up Fashion.  In complete honesty, I almost passed it over thinking it would be biased propaganda, but I decided to give it a try anyhow.  While viewing the brief production, my mind flashed to 2nd or 3rd grade, remembering that we had watched videos on pollution back then. 
Currently, as a 42-year-old man, I am grieved that we have allowed our environment to regress to its current state.  I think part of the reason is that many of us sit idly by, assuming that someone else will take care of the problem.  Or, it could be that we don’t know how to get involved or don’t have the time.  Well, I have some good news!  In this video, Greenpeace gives an excellent summary of our current pollution problem, but then follows that with a link that leads to their international detox campaign
This resource has easy ways to get involved that are as simple as signing an online petition, which informs major fashion labels that we will not stand for continued pollution!  Looks folks, we can make a difference, even if it is from the comfort of our own homes.  Just take a few minutes and see what you can do to help, you’ll be surprised how simple it truly is.  
