Healthier & Environmentally Better Protein Suggestions

           I want to bring the issues of protein consumption and environmental impacts full circle with the hope that you reconsider the actions you take in your everyday lives. The below graphic shows the chain of events starting from the populations over-consumption of protein contributing to negative environmental impacts and negatively impacting personal health. While the graphic suggest some suggestions for less environmentally taxing protein alternatives I wanted to give some other ideas of some simple ways you can help not only the environment but things that are good for your own health.

It can also be seen in larger form at the following site:

1. One way to help reduce your environmental impact would be to simply reduce your meat intake. We've all heard of Meatless Mondays so why not try it? Advantageous for the environment, plant based protein leaves less of an environmental impact than meat protein, and it’s better for your own health as eating too much meat increases your exposure to toxins and increases your risk of serious health problems.
2. Try buying grass-fed or pasture-raised meat. These meats usually contain less antibiotics and hormones meaning less runoff pollution from the fields into our water systems. Even better if you can buy the meat locally which decreases the environmental effects of its transportation and helps support your local economy.
3. Avoid buying heavily processed meats so less energy is invested the processing of the meats and less chemically altered meats go into your body.
4. Lastly, below are some links to sites that allow you to search for organic, humane, pasture raised meat in your own area. and

