Can Technology Help in School?

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As we know from our generation of time, almost every teenager has a cell phone or Ipad. But can it be beneficial to our education system? We can use technology to be a great problem solver and informant to the general public. Technology is a scapegoat to our youth and it definitely is a big game changer in our society. We use our phones to do everything we don’t need to be using at all. Cell phones will give us answers on the spot, create great conversation starters, show us videos on concepts we need further explaining, and so much more. It definitely is a stretch but using technology as an educational tool is a big help.

Now how is a good way to make sure kids are not slacking off and on social media or not paying attention to the lessons being taught? One way could be providing classes with technology and filters to being able to search certain things up to getting answers or thinking outside of the bubble. Because the use of technology is so important in our world as we know it and it can make us think more and give insights we wouldn't have thought before. If school systems can be allowed to monitor what children are doing on these devices and create selected filters for children to use only for educational purposes, then yes technology can really help our youth and create new ideas and give great information to teaching our youth.


  1. If school systems can be allowed to monitor what children are doing on these devices and create selected filters for children to use only for educational purposes, then yes technology can really help our youth and create new ideas and give great information to teaching our youth. 2V0-01.19 dumps


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