What is Overfishing?

Overfishing is an environmental problem that has surfaced within the last decade and deals with meeting the worlds demand for fish from natural resources because we are taking fish from sources faster then nature can restore them.  From every article I read on Overfishing it is expected to continually exacerbate the available fish resources.  Overfishing will impact the worlds food sources because twenty percent of the world population is dependant on fish for their proteins.  It has already impacted ocean ecosystems around Australia, Thailand, South East Asia, countries bordering the North Sea, Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. The impacts have resulted in a 70% decline in commercial fisheries over 9 of the worlds 17 main fishing areas.  This serious problem can be contributed to several countries that rely on fish for food, such as Japan, the world’s leader in fish consumption.  This is important to know however the finger points all around the globe’s commercial fishing industries as well as recreational fishing tours.  The world efforts so far have seen things like quotas and size limits on tuna catches as well as a reduction of the size of many commercial fishing fleet’s.

Here are a few basic tips on how to have an impact on Overfishing.
·        Know what impact you have when you chose to eat fish for meals. This guide will help to decipher how to eat fish with a clear conscience. http://overfishing.org/pages/guide_to_good_fish.php
·        Talk about Overfishing with friends and family to raise awareness of the situation. Spreading the word about the problem will get others thinking about the issue. You could also write your local officials to see what they are doing or to make them aware of local public concearn.
·        Be aware of your local and national Overfishing impacts by doing an online search or watching for articles in local newspapers.

overfishing the oceans1 Can climate change negotiations stop the subsidizing of overfishing?
